THE TRUST – The Statewide Library Foundation

The Trust for Montana Libraries is a statewide 501(c)3, nonprofit organization whose purpose is to support high quality information and library services for all Montanans. The Trust provides funds and resources to Montana libraries. The Trust is a private, independent nonprofit organization governed by its own board of directors.  The Board has representatives from across the state and both rural and urban areas.

OUR ROLES – Fundraising, Advocacy & Awareness

The Trust’s primary purpose is to raise private funds in support of library programs and services.  In addition to annual support, the Trust’s long-range plans including building an endowment for statewide library initiatives.  The Trust advocates and raises awareness for increased public support of all libraries statewide.


Through 2024, The Trust’s fundraising priorities include:

·         Increasing digital and e-resources for Montanans

·         Advancing critical early literacy approaches and resources for our youngest Montanans

·         Developing support for senior programs, particularly in the arts

·         Providing better access to materials especially by improving statewide delivery systems

·         Increasing public awareness for and advocacy of Montana libraries


Bruce Newell, President,